Os discursos no discurso do livro-reportagem


  • Ariane Carla Pereira Universidade Estadual de Maringá




heterogeneity, journalism, livro-reportagem.


How to define a documentary book? Journalism or Literature? Not just one, neither only the other. A hybrid genre - after all, it adds up elements of literature and journalism - but, especially, independent. In order to reflect a little longer on this other discourse that is the livro-reportagem, I propose, in this article, to think about its particularities starting from the mise-en-scène of the reported discourse. Therefore, my aim is to analyse the forms and the functions of the direct speech and indirect speech in Rota 66 - a história da polícia que mata, by the writer-journalist Caco Barcellos. On dealing with the reported discourse it is impossible not to take into consideration the textual and typo markers which go with the quoted discourses. Moreover, I judge necessary to reflect, in the selected corpus, on the verbs which introduce the other's discourse. This study demonstrated that the reported discourse, in Rota 66, is used to make explicit and/or contrast the positions of both the writer-journalist and the Polícia Militar.


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Author Biography

  • Ariane Carla Pereira, Universidade Estadual de Maringá
    Jornalista, mestranda em Letras pela Universidade Estadual de Maringá, professora do curso de Jornalismo da Faculdade Sul Brasil (Fasul), Toledo/PR.






How to Cite

Os discursos no discurso do livro-reportagem. (2006). Caligrama (São Paulo. Online), 2(3). https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1808-0820.cali.2006.64695