The photography condition of the narration: Sergio Chejfec and his documentary narratives


  • Florencia Garramuño Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Humanidades



Contemporary Literature, Photography, Chejfec


Some of the more radical contemporary writings of the last years are elaborations not any longer based on a human or individual preeminence. Figures of the impersonal and anonymous evidence a turning away from subjective or individual life. What is the power of the impersonal in these writings? What problems do they make visible? In this article, I read Modo linterna, by Sergio Chejfec, in ortder to think how this turning away from the subjective and the personal affects the exposition of an experience that distances itself from a subjective prism, and what kind of consequences, aesthetic and political, these writings carry


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Author Biography

  • Florencia Garramuño, Universidad de San Andrés. Departamento de Humanidades

    Florencia Garramuño é doutora em Línguas e Literaturas Românicas pela Universidade de Princeton. Dirige o Departamento de Humanidades da Universidad de San Andrés. Publicou, entre outros, os livros Modernidades Primitivas: Tango, Samba y Nación, La experiencia opaca, Frutos Estranhos. Ensaios sobre a inespecificidade na Estética Contemporânea y Mundos en común.


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Chejfec, Sergio. Modo linterna. Buenos Aires: Entropía, 2013.
Contreras, Sandra. Ensayos en torno al realismo. Rosario: Nube Negra, 2018.
Deleuze, Gilles. Pure immanence: essays on a life. New York: Zone Books, 2001.
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Garramuño, Florencia. “O outro avança sobre mim: dimensões da vida anônima e impessoal na cultura latino-americana”. In: Estudos de Literatura Brasileira Contemporânea, 48, 2016, p.11-28.
Horne, Luz. “Fotografía y retrato de lo contemporáneo”. In: Niebylski, Diana C. Sergio Chejfec: trayectoria de una escritura. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University, 2012, p.123-146.
Niebylski, Diana C. Sergio Chejfec: trayectoria de una escritura. Pittsburgh: Pittsburgh University, 2012.
Rolnik, Suely. “Subjetividade antropofágica”. In: Pedrosa, Adriano; Herkenhoff, Paulo. (org.). 24ª Bienal de São Paulo: arte contemporânea brasileira: um e/entre outro/s. São Paulo: Fundação Bienal de São Paulo, 1998, p.128-145.



How to Cite

GARRAMUÑO, Florencia. The photography condition of the narration: Sergio Chejfec and his documentary narratives. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 17, p. 29–42, 2019. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v0i17p29-42. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.