Collector, artist, monster: The Duke of Bomarzo in María Negroni’s La Boca del Infierno


  • Rayén Daiana Pozzi Universidade Nacional do Comahue



poetry, rewriting, collector, monster, radicant aesthetics


Considering the pronounced link between Manuel Mujica Láinez’s Bomarzo (1962) and María Negroni’s La Boca del Infierno (2009), this article proposes a reading centred in the updated significations carried out by Negroni’s rewriting operation. She has already performed this rewriting strategy of a certain zone of tradition in previous works, operation that allows the examination of the characters that defines a radicant aesthetics. This paper examines the correspondence of the speech subject in both books, remarking both the subject’s particular traces (orphan, collector, artist and “monster”) and some differences concerning his representation in each text. Thus, the mouth/grotto/crypt of hell created by Negroni opens up to the singularity/otherness tensions and proliferates from Bomarzo’s story propitiating new roots that develops a radicant poetics.


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Author Biography

  • Rayén Daiana Pozzi, Universidade Nacional do Comahue

    Profesora en Letras (UNCo), Especialista en Literatura Hispanoamericana de siglo XX (UNCo) y Doctoranda en Letras (UNS), posgrado financiado con beca doctoral CONICET. Docente ayudante en las cátedras Literatura argentina I y II en Profesorado y Licenciatura en Letras (UNCo).


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How to Cite

POZZI, Rayén Daiana. Collector, artist, monster: The Duke of Bomarzo in María Negroni’s La Boca del Infierno. Caracol, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 17, p. 301–324, 2019. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2317-9651.v0i17p301-324. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.