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Author Guidelines

1. Works for publication

The journal Caracol publishes articles and reviews of literary texts and/ or specialist books on themes in Spanish literature and culture (with or without relation to other literatures), Spanish–American literature and culture (with or without relation to other literatures), the Spanish language (language studies, discursive studies, teaching, acquisition/learning) and translation.

Contributions must be original and unpublished, with individual or co-authored submission (maximum of 2 authors). Its simultaneous submission in another national or international journal is not allowed.

The content of the contributions is the sole responsibility of the authors, as well as obtaining written permission to use copyrighted material in their articles.

The journal works with a rigorous peer review system, in which all texts are submitted to a ortographic, grammatical and stylistic revision. The editorial committee reserves the right not to publish articles whose reformulation disregards the suggestions of the reviewers without a reasonable justification.

Contributions will be considered as submitted only if complying with all the rules described herein and that are in accordance with the profile and format defined by the journal's editorial line. Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will be returned to the authors.

2. Languages

Work submitted for evaluation may be written in Portuguese (following the new orthographic rules) or Spanish.

3. Text length

3.1.    The review texts must be in Garamond (12pt) and have between 7,000 and 14,000 characters with spaces (3 to 6 pages).

3.2.    The article texts must be in Garamond (12pt) and have between 25,000 and 50,000 characters with spaces (10 to 20 pages).

4. Text formatting

4.1     A4 pages with top, bottom, left, and right margins of 3 cm.

4.2.    One line below the title in original language (Portuguese or Spanish), the title in English must be included. Both titles must be centered, font Garamond (12pt), in bold.  Use upper case only for the initial letter of each word.

4.3.    One line below the title in English, the word “Autor(a)” must be included.

4.4.    Start paragraphs with an indent of 1.25 cm in the left margin. Line spacing 1.5 cm.

4.5.    Highlights (or emphasis of expressions) in italics.

4.6.    Foreign words in italics.

4.7.    Footnotes in Garamond (10pt) with single line spacing.

5. Abstract and keywords

5.1.    With the exception of reviews, all other work must have one abstract in the language in which they were written—Portuguese (“resumo”) or Spanish (“resumen”)—and another in English (“abstract”). Palavras-chave/palabras clave/keywords must be added after each abstract.

5.2.    The resumo/resumen must be flush left, no indent, two lines below the name(s) of the author(s), with single line spacing. The word “Resumo” (”Resumen”) must have an initial capital, font Garamond (12pt), in bold, and be followed by a colon. The text of the resumo/resumen must begin on the same line, font Garamond (12pt), with a maximum length of 160 words.

5.3.    The palavras-chave/palabras clave must be aligned to the left, no indent, two lines below the resumo/resumen. The term “PALAVRAS-CHAVE” (”PALABRAS CLAVE”) must be upper case, font Garamond (12pt), in bold, and be followed by a colon. In the same line, there must be between 5 palavras-chave/palabras clave, separated by semicolons.

5.4.    For the abstract and keywords, follow the guidance given in 5.2 and 5.3.


6.1.    Up to three lines: Between quotation marks. If the author's last name is not mentioned in the body of the text, it must be placed after the quote, between parentheses, followed by year of publication and page(s). E.g.: (Zubiaurre, 2000, 61).

6.2.    More than 3 lines: No quotation marks, in a separate paragraph, in Garamond (11pt), with single line spacing and with an indent of 1.25 cm on both sides. Must be, and followed by the author’s last name, year of publication and page(s). If the author's last name is not mentioned in the body of the text, it must be placed after the quote, between parentheses, followed by year of publication and page(s).

6.3.    Quotes in foreign language must be in italics.

7. Other

7.1.    Tables and charts: Send them in an editable format (Word, Excel), not as images (JPG, GIF, etc.).

7.2.    Illustrations (photographs, drawings, graphics): the use of images with a resolution of 72 pixels is recommended. Avoid large-scale images.

7.3.    Attachments: Avoid. If attachments are indispensable, they should appear before the bibliographical references, introduced by the word "Attachments", with the initial letter capitalized, in bold, no indent, no numbering, font Garamond (12pt). The total length (text plus attachments) must not exceed the page limit for articles.

8. Bibliographical References

This section should include only the works cited in the text and be introduced by the term “Bibliographical references”, aligned to the left, no indent, in bold, font Garamond (12pt). Use an initial capital for the word “Bibliographical” only. 


Some examples of bibliographical references


Fernández Moreno, César (org.). América Latina em sua literatura. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 1972.

Book chapter

Valdés, Adriana. “El espacio literario de la mujer en la colonia”. In: Pizarro, Ana (org.). América Latina. Palavra, Literatura e Cultura. São Paulo: Memorial/Campinas: Unicamp, 1993, 467-188.

Scientific article, printed

Berg, Edgardo H. “La conspiración literaria (sobre La ciudad ausente de Ricardo Piglia)”. In: Hispamérica, 75, 1996, 37-48.

Scientific article, digital

Fanjul, Adrián. “Português brasileiro, espanhol... de onde? Analogias incertas”. In: Revista Letras & Letras, 20-1, Uberlândia: jan./jun. 2004, 165-183. Disponível em:
<>. Acesso em 14 jul. 2015.

Newspaper article

Teixeira, Ivan. Gramática do louvor. In: Folha de S. PauloJornal de Resenhas. São Paulo, 08 abr. 2000.


Chacón, Juan Carlos Frioni. El texto anómalo de Felisberto Hernández. Dissertação de mestrado. FFLCH/USP, São Paulo:1990


ABNT – Associação Brasileira de Normas Técnicas. Normalização. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 14 jul. 2015.



Authors are advised that this journal acts in accordance with the guidelines of the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). For more information:

This publication charges no fees for the submission and processing of articles, reviews and interviews.

Anti-plagiarism tool iThenticate Crossref Similarity Check

Texts submitted to the Caracol journal will be examined using the iThenticate Crossref Similarity Check tool. This tool provides a report that indicates a percentage of similarity and a list of all the matching elements in the document, as well as their location over the Internet, guaranteeing the originality of the texts and if there is plagiarism or self-plagiarism. Any irregularity detected will be reported to the authors and the text will be subject to the exclusion depending on the decision of the editorial committee.

About the use of artificial intelligence (AI)

For submission to the journal Caracol, we declare to authors that AI tools cannot meet the authorship requirements as they cannot assume responsibility for the submitted work. Authors who use AI tools in writing a manuscript, producing images or graphics of the article, or in collecting and analyzing data must be transparent when disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the article as the AI ​​tool was used and which tool was used. Caracol magazine reserves the right to accept or not accept such indications for the use of AI. On the other hand, authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even the parts produced by an AI tool, and are therefore responsible for any violation of publication ethics.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • As part of the submission process, authors are required to check that the submission complies with the items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to the standards will be returned to the authors.

    1. The contribution must be original and unpublished, and not being evaluated for publication by another journal;.
    2. The theme of the article must be in the context of Spanish and Spanish–American literature and culture (with or without relation to other literatures), the Spanish language, and translation between Portuguese and Spanish.
    3. The text must follow the standards of style and the bibliographical requirements described in Author guidelines on the page “About the Journal”. Failure to comply with the standards will result in rejection of the work.
    4. When submitting a peer-reviewed section (an article, for example), the instructions available at Ensuring a blind peer review must have been followed.
    5. The file for submission must be in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • Authors must have at least the doctorate degree and submit a paper based on a long-term research. However, in exceptional cases, the editorial committee may review relevant cases and accept their publication. The author must inform the editors that he does not have a doctoral degree.
  • Authors or groups of authors (maximum of two authors per paper) may submit only one manuscript to the journal per year.
  • The Caracol journal deserves the right of, in any step of the editorial process, rejecting and excluding the content submitted by the author once any editorial rule to publish in the magazine be violated.
  • In case the evaluation process is controversial, the journal will send the article to a third evaluator, in order to resolve any controversy.


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