Ricoeur’s confirmation of the able subject: personal identity and moral attribution


  • Rita de Cássia Oliveira


accountability – promise – able subject - narrative


Paul Ricoeur believes that the intended absolute distance relationship between the self and the other should be overlapped by a reciprocal relationship by which one opens up to the other and his voice is interiorized in the same. The reciprocity model is in the language by changing the personal pronoun I for self, mainly, on the act of the promise speech. Ricoeur thinks the meaning of responsibility as accountability, that is, the self becomes responsible for his/her acts from the awareness of being a capable subject conscious of being the narrator of his/her own story.


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How to Cite

Ricoeur’s confirmation of the able subject: personal identity and moral attribution. (2011). Cadernos De Ética E Filosofia Política, 2(19), 29-42. https://periodicos.usp.br/cefp/article/view/55737