Movimentos sociais e Amazônia: da ditadura civil-militar aos grandes projetos da atualidade


  • Lucas Milhomens UFAM
  • Maria da Glória Gohn UNICAMP



This article is a result of a doctoral research in the Postgraduate Program in Education of the State University of Campinas (Unicamp) and intends to make a historical analysis of the emergence of several social movements existing in the Brazilian Amazon. In this sense we have mapped the last fifty years in the region. As a starting point, we analyze the presence of the civil-military government in the region from the 1960s until the end of the first decade of the 2000s. We defend the thesis that the presence of these government agents and their policies has a direct relationship with the upsurge of various groups and organized social movements.


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Author Biographies

  • Lucas Milhomens, UFAM

    Professor Adjunto da Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Campus Parintins. Doutor em Educação pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).

  • Maria da Glória Gohn, UNICAMP

    Professora Titular Aposentada da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp).





Dossiê Amazônia

How to Cite

Milhomens, L., & Gohn, M. da G. (2018). Movimentos sociais e Amazônia: da ditadura civil-militar aos grandes projetos da atualidade. Cadernos CERU, 29(2).