Colonas de Rincão dos Alves: uma discussão sobre identidade e resistência


  • Renata Piecha Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
  • Maria Catarina Chitolina Zanini Universidade Federal de Santa Maria



Identity, Genre, Work, Memory


Based on ethnographic research and the analysis of memory narratives, this article aims to analyze how the historical identification processes are presented in the practices of women of rural origin in the community of Rincão dos Alves, in the interior of the municipality of Jaguari, located in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. Like a territory that is established starting from the colonial territorial project, the identity of these agricultural women relies on its European ancestry, embarking on the expertise of another temporality, respected in the memories, transmitted by oral tradition, and consolidated by a vivid experience within their families. There are knowledge and practices that make it possible for them to colonize an income form, greater autonomy, and agency, a rural number that tends to favor masculine figures.


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How to Cite

Piecha, R., & Zanini, M. C. C. (2024). Colonas de Rincão dos Alves: uma discussão sobre identidade e resistência. Cadernos CERU, 35(1), 92-105.