Among ruins: accidental notes on the trauma of Salonican Jewry
Thessaloniki, Holocaust, World War II, Greece, Albania, SurvivorsAbstract
Drawing upon published sources in English, French, Spanish, Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Portuguese, and Hebrew, this essay discusses the Shoah (Holocaust) in Thessaloniki, Greece, focusing specifically on the trauma experienced by survivors and their descendants. The essay also addresses topics that have been insufficiently researched so far, such as the extreme poverty among the Jews of Thessaloniki on the eve of World War II, as well as the Jewish participation in the Greek Army in the fight against the Italians on the Albanian front in 1940-1941. In addition, the essay brings to light unpublished personal stories of Jews from Thessaloniki who survived the almost complete destruction of their community during World War II.
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