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Author Guidelines




Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry (CLRD) is a quarterly publication, with peer review, with the object of divulging new knowledge of interest to researchers and clinicians in Dentistry and related areas. Evaluation of the texts submitted will take into consideration the originality, relevance and methodology used. Original research, clinical trials, review articles, editorials and comments related to all areas of dentistry and the related areas are accepted. Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis or as an electronic preprint) and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. The journal is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge and information relevant to dentistry. CLRD is free of charge, from submission to publication. Submissions in English are encouraged.


Content of sections

The texts must be written in Portuguese or English, and fit into one of the different sections of the review, described as follows:

a) Editorial: prepared by the Editors or guest author;

b) Original texts: results of original research;

c) Review texts: these will be accepted when requested by the editors and specialists in the area, or systematic reviews on consultation with the editors by e-mail;

d) Case or technical reports: succinct presentation of peculiar clinical cases or new techniques;

e) Brief communication: original article with a maximum of 1.500 words;

f) Letters: comments about the content of the journal, or about subjects of scientific relevance, published at the Editor's discretion.

g) Clinicopathological conference: discussion of differential diagnosis.


Preparation of text for submission

Texts must be prepared in doc or docx format, with a 3 cm margin on each side, fonts should be Adobe Type 1 standard – Helvetica or Times are preferred, size 12, in double spacing, with justified text alignment. Teeth should be designated in the text using the full English terminology. In tables and figures individual teeth can be identified using the FDI two-digit system, i.e. tooth 13 is the first permanent canine in the right maxilla region.



Write your text in standard, grammatical English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these) or in Portuguese. Authors who feel their English language manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors may use the English Language Editing service.


Ethical Considerations

Studies involving human beings, animals or biologic materials require ethics committee approval and informed consent, which should be documented in the paper. Appropriate consents, permissions and releases must be obtained where an author wishes to include case details or other personal information or images of patients and any other individuals. Written consents must be retained by the author and copies of the consents or evidence that such consents have been obtained must be provided on request. Unless you have written permission from the patient, the personal details of any patient included in any part of the article and in any supplementary materials (including all illustrations and videos) must be removed before submission.

Authors are responsible for any material and/or quoted or paraphrased passages with proper attribution in the text to avoid plagiarism (including self-plagiarism).



The CLRD endorses the policies of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). All published articles have been screened using plagiarism detection software.


Declaration of interest

All authors must disclose any financial and personal relationships with other people or organizations that could inappropriately influence (bias) their work. Examples of potential conflicts of interest include employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony, patent applications/registrations, and grants or other funding. If there are no conflicts of interest then please state this: 'Conflicts of interest: none'.



Work submitted for appreciation for publication must be accompanied by a document of transfer of copyrights, containing the signature of each of the authors, the model of which is available on the page of the journal.



Our online submission system guides you stepwise through the process of entering your article details and uploading your files. The system converts your article files to a single PDF file used in the peer-review process. Editable files (i.e, Microsoft Word) are required to typeset your article for final publication. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, is sent by e-mail.

Submission must be done exclusively through the page of the journal:

Cover Letter

All the authors must sign the letter sent to the Editors, taking responsibility for the content of the work, and indicating relevant aspects that justify its publication.


Organization of manuscripts


Original Articles

Research articles should describe your novel original research in a clear, reproducible way.

The abstract for research articles should be constructed under the following subheadings:

  • Objectives;
  • Methods;
  • Results;
  • Conclusions;

More information on preparing your submission:

  • You should give sufficient background to your work and the reference list should be representative of the field;
  • The method should be described clearly;
  • Any limitations of the work should be addressed and discussed;
  • The conclusions drawn should be consistent with the results obtained;
  • The images included should be clear enough such that the work can be understood;
  • Any ethical approval statements should be included where relevant;
  • Appropriate statistical analysis of results should be carried out where relevant.

Their formal structure must follow the scheme indicated below: Title Page, Abstract (just in English), Descriptors (just in English), Introduction, Discussion, Conclusions and References. The structure of the test will be according to the authors' discretion. The number of pages is limited to 20, including references, legends, illustrations and tables.


Review Articles

Review articles should provide a broad overview and update on a particular topic, specifically discussing recent research in that area. The authors are invited to comment on the state of the field to date and speculate on possible future directions, supported by references.

Their formal structure must follow the scheme indicated below: Title Page, Abstract (just in English), Descriptors (just in English), Introduction, Discussion, Conclusions and References. The structure of the test will be according to the authors' discretion. The number of pages is limited to 20, including references, legends, illustrations and tables.

Clinical case or technical reports

The case report should detail the symptoms, observations, diagnosis and treatment, as well as follow-up of a specific patient.

Their formal structure must follow the scheme indicated below: Title Page, Abstract (just in English), Descriptors (just in English), Introduction, Case or Technical Report(s), Discussion, Conclusions, References (Limited to 10 in number) and acknowledgements, if there are any. The number of pages is limited to 10, including references, legends, illustrations and tables.


Brief Communication

Short communications are brief articles describing original research that is in its early stages and not ready to be written up as a full paper. This category encompasses work-in-progress and typically follows the structure of a research article.

Their formal structure must follow the same scheme as that for original articles: The number of pages is limited to 6, including references, legends, illustrations and tables.


Clinicopathologic Conference

Manuscripts that document interesting, challenging, or unusual cases that present unexpected or interesting diagnostic challenges. The presentation should simulate clinical work-up, including the formulation of a detailed and well thought out differential diagnosis. The complete diagnostic evaluation, management, and follow-up must be included. CPC articles must be organized into six parts:

(1) Title: Provide a descriptive clinical title that does not reveal the final diagnosis;

(2) Clinical presentation: Describe the clinical and imaging characteristics of the lesion. Use clinical photographs and radiographs as appropriate;

(3) Differential diagnosis: List and discuss lesions to be considered as reasonable diagnostic possibilities. The authors are reminded that the most important part of the CPC manuscript is the clinical differential diagnosis, where the authors guide the readership through their own diagnostic thought process. This will require the formulation of a list of the most probable diagnostic possibilities based on the clinical presentation, medical history, and/or radiographic studies;

(4) Diagnosis: Histopathologic findings illustrated with appropriate photomicrographs;

(5) Management: Describe the treatment of the patient and response to treatment;

(6) Discussion: Concentrate on the most interesting aspect(s) of the case. No abstract is needed for CPC manuscripts. Limit the number of references to no more than 25.


General Guidelines:

Title Page

Must contain the information listed below and should be attached separately:

a) Title of the paper, clear and concise; just in English (avoid abbreviations);

b) Author names should appear in full (in the format: "first name, initial(s), last name), qualifications and affiliations (only one per author) and e-mail;

c) Complete name and address (include electronic mail) for the corresponding author;

d) Descriptors;


Blind title page

A blind title page should be included with the full manuscript, giving only the title (i.e. without the authors’ names and affiliations), for use in the peer-review process.



Figures should be referred to specifically in the text of the paper.

  • Number figures consecutively using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.) and any figure that has multiple parts should be labelled alphabetically (e.g. 2a, 2b);
  • Concise, numbered legend(s) should be listed on a separate sheet. Avoid repeating material from the text;
  • Abbreviations used in figures should be defined in the caption;
  • Each image must be submitted separately in TIFF format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and maximum of 600 dpi (dots per inch). Please, do not embed images in the .doc file. Lower resolutions will not be usable;
  • If there are illustrations extracted from other previously published works, the sources from which they were extracted and references should appear in the list of references at the end of the work, informing the page where the figure of the original article appears;
  • The image should be cropped to show just the relevant area (i.e. no more than is necessary to illustrate the points made by the author whilst retaining sufficient anatomical landmarks). The amount of white space around the illustration should be kept to a minimum;
  • Patient identification must be obscured;



Tables should be referred to specifically in the text of the paper but provided as separate files.

  • Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.), in the order in which they appear in the text;
  • Give each table a short descriptive title;
  • Make tables self-explanatory and do not duplicate data given in the text or figures;
  • Appropriate space should be used to separate columns. Rows should be double-spaced;
  • A table may have footnotes if necessary. These should be referred to within the table by superscript letters, which will then also be given at the beginning of the relevant footnote. Begin each footnote on a new line. A general footnote referring to the whole table does not require a superscript letter;
  • Define abbreviations in tables in the footnotes even if defined in the text or a previous table;
  • Submit tables as editable text;
  • If there are tables extracted from other previously published works, the source from which they were extracted and the reference should appear in the list of references at the end of the work;



Abstracts should be written just in English. The abstract should be an accurate and succinct summary of the paper, not exceeding 250 words. For original articles and review articles: the abstract should be constructed under the following subheadings:

  • Objectives;
  • Methods;
  • Results;
  • Conclusions;

These subheadings should appear in the text of the abstract and the abstract should not contain references. The abstract should: indicate the specific objective or purpose of the article; describe the methods used to achieve the objective, stating what was done and how it was done; present the findings of the methods described – key statistics should be included; present the conclusion of the study based solely on the data provided, and highlight the novelty of the work.



Attribute from 3 to 6 descriptors, consulting the structured vocabulary of MeSH - Medical Subject Headings at the address


Main text

Organise your paper in a logical structure with clear subheadings to indicate relevant sections. It is up to the authors to decide the specific nature of any subheadings as they see fit. Research papers typically follow the structure:

  • Introduction;
  • Methods and materials/patients;
  • Results;
  • Discussion;
  • Conclusion;
  • Acknowledgments (if relevant);

Present results in a clear logical sequence. The conclusions drawn should be supported by the results obtained and the discussion section should comment critically on the findings and conclusions as well as any limitations of the work.

Acknowledgments should be brief and should indicate any potential conflicts of interest and sources of financial support.

An appendix may be used for mathematical formulae or method details of interest to readers with specialist knowledge of the area.



Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the references. Only papers closely related to the work should be cited; exhaustive lists should be avoided. All references must appear both in the text and the reference list.

  • Should follow the Vancouver format;
  • Should be cited in the order they appear in the text;
  • In the text, references are cited in numerical order as superscript numbers starting at 1. The superscript numbers are placed AFTER the full point;
  • At the end of the paper they should be listed (double-spaced) in numerical order corresponding to the order of citation in the text;
  • A reference cited in a table or figure caption counts as being cited where the table or figure is first mentioned in the text;
  • Papers in press may be included in the list of references;
  • Do not include references to uncompleted work or work that has not yet been accepted for publication. Abstracts and/or papers presented at meetings not in the public domain should not be included as references;
  • If there are 6 or fewer authors, list them all. If there are 7 or more, list the first 6 followed by et al.;
  • The title of the periodical must have its name abbreviated in accordance with the List of Journals Index in Index Medicus: access the electronic address:;
  • For the examples not contemplated, consult the guidelines provided by the "International Committee of Medical Journal Editors", as presented in the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" (


Examples of references:


Lodish H, Baltimore D, Berk A, Zipursky SL, Matsudaira P, Darnell J. Molecular cell biology. 3rd ed. New York: Scientific American; 1995. 543 p.


Wenger NK, SivarajanFroelicher E, Smith LK, Ades PA, Berra K, Blumenthal JA, et al. Cardiac rehabilitation. Rockville (MD): Agency for Health Care Policy and Research (US); 1995. 202 p.



Same author of the work as a whole

Avery JK. Desenvolvimento e histologia bucal. 4a ed. Fajardo AP, tradutora. São Paulo: Santos; 2005. Desenvolvimento dos arcos faríngeos e da face. p. 34-56.


Different author of the work as a whole

Sobral MAP, Garone Netto N. Clareamento dental. In: Garone Netto N, Carvalho RCRR, Russo EMA, Sobral MAP, Luz MAAC, Teixeira AG, et al. Dentística restauradora: restaurações diretas: técnicas - indicações - recursos. São Paulo: Santos; 2003. p. 201-23.




Campos MS, Fontes A, Marocchio LS, Nunes FD, de Sousa SC. Clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical features of oral neurofibroma. Acta Odontol Scand. 2012 Dec;70(6):577-82. doi: 10.3109/00016357.2011.640286.


For citation in the text, use the numerical system and place it in the list of references at the end of the work. The indication of the source is done by a single and consecutive numbering, in Arabic numerals, in the superscripted form, after the punctuation that closes the citation. Sequential numbers must be separated by a hyphen and random numbers must be separated by a comma.



Random Numbers

Processing is neglected by the majority of professionals1, and some authors have affirmed that around 90% of the failures in radiographs occur in the dark room.3,5,9


Random and Sequential Numbers

Since clinical observations have proved that white spot lesions are irreversible, remineralization has become an important mechanism in the clinical prevention and reduction of caries in enamel.1-7,9,11,13-15,19,20-25


Citation of names for reasons of emphasis

Cassatlyet et al.3 reported a case of osteomyelitis in a patient submitted to apicectomy with Nd:YAG laser, which led to necrosis of part of the maxilla, by the diffusion of heat generated in the bone tissue adjacent to the root apex.


Names of Drugs

The use of commercial names (registered brands) is not recommendable; when necessary, the product name must be placed after the generic name (in bracket) in capital and lower case, followed by the symbol that characterizes the registered brand, in superscript.

Submission Preparation Checklist

Todas as submissões devem atender aos seguintes requisitos.

  • A contribuição deve ser original e inédita, e não estar sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão deverá estar em formato .doc ou .docx
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.
  • Em caso de submissão a uma seção com avaliação pelos pares (ex.: artigos), as instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega foram seguidas.

Original Research

Articles about research not published elsewhere.

Critical Review

Authors are invited by the editors, or manuscripts can be submitted by experts in the field after consultating the editors. The same consideration applies to systematic reviews.

Case report or technical report

Brief communication of peculiar clinical cases or new and innovative techniques.

Brief Communication

Original article with a maximum of 1500 words.

Letter to the Editor

Letters supporting or contesting a scientific or editorial content of the CLRD. Manuscripts have a limit of 300 words with no figures or tables allowed. Letters must be submitted within 6 months of the article’s publication date.

Privacy Statement

Names and addresses provided to this Journal will be used exclusively for the purpose of publication, and not afforded to others.