From the Irish glens to the Argentine pampas: the poetry of Elaine Gaston


  • María Graciela Eliggi Universidad Nacional de La Pampa



Elaine Gaston, Northern Ireland, poetry , language




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Biografia do Autor

  • María Graciela Eliggi, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

    María Graciela Eliggi is a translator and ELT/Literature & Literary Theory professor and researcher from Argentina. Founder and coordinator of the “Edna O ́Brien-Colum McCann” Free Extracurricular Chair of Irish Studies and the Irish diaspora at the National University of La Pampa (2021- ). She coordinates a research program (UNLPam 2015-2023, 5 projects) on contemporary Irish literature, history and the Irish diaspora to South America. First president and co-founder of AEIS (Asociación de Estudios Irlandeses del Sur), member of ABEI and SILAS. She translated the following works: In their own words/ En sus propias palabras. Interviews with Irish contemporary writers/Entrevistas a escritores irlandeses contemporáneos. ISBN 978-950-863-160-2, 2011. Roger Casement en Sudamérica. El caucho, la Amazonía y el Mundo Atlántico 1884-1916, Angus Mitchell. ISBN 978-950-863-165-7, 2011. Roger Casement en Sudamérica. El caucho, la Amazonía y el Mundo Atlántico 1884-1916, Angus Mitchell. ISBN 978-950-863-177-0, 2012. Argentina e Irlanda- 1816, 1916, 2016- actores, acciones y conmemoraciones, 2018. EPUB. ISBN 978-950-863-340-8. Shaw, Crítico Rosalie Rahal Haddad, 2019. EPUB. ISBN: 978-950-863-371-2. Roger Casement. El Revolucionario Místico. Angus Mitchell, ISBN 9789508634689, 2022. //


ELIGGI, María G. et al. In their own words/ En sus propias palabras. Interviews with Irish contemporary writers/Entrevistas a escritores irlandeses contemporáneos. Santa Rosa, UNLPam, 2011. ISBN 978-950-863-160-2.

FRANCE, Linda. Arc Publications, 2010 in The Lie of the Land. Aille, Inverin, Doire Press, 2015. ISBN 988-1-907682-38-4.

FYFE, Anne-Marie. Seren Books, 2015 in The Lie of the Land. Aille, Inverin, Doire Press, 2015. ISBN 988-1-907682-38-4.

GASTON, Elaine. The Lie of the Land. Aille, Inverin, Doire Press, 2015. ISBN 988-1-907682-38-4

MCGUCKIAN, Medbh. The Gallery Press, 2012 in The Lie of the Land. Aille, Inverin, Doire Press, 2015. ISBN 988-1-907682-38-4.






Especial Irlanda: Os Muitos Mapas da Irlanda

Como Citar

From the Irish glens to the Argentine pampas: the poetry of Elaine Gaston. (2024). Cadernos De Literatura Em Tradução, 27, 23-33.