From the Irish glens to the Argentine pampas: the poetry of Elaine Gaston


  • María Graciela Eliggi Universidad Nacional de La Pampa


Mots-clés :

Elaine Gaston, Northern Ireland, poetry , language


Elaine Gastons poetic work reveals a voice charged with the time and place of her time. Her literary production received the praise of poets such as Medbh McGuckian who expressed that Gaston “writes as truthfully and tenderly as Heaney about sorrow, love and the difficulties and joys of developing out from a narrow Ulster experience to embrace the whole world as home” (McGuckian, 2012). Anne-Marie Fyfe on her part refers to Gaston as someone who can “capture a life rooted in a particular rural landscape (...) who confronts equally the everyday complexities of north-of-Ireland life, the unrootedness of contemporary experience with its leavings and returnings, and the inelecuctable shifts of the heart, all in a language that is taut, direct and moving” (Fyfe, 2015). Linda France also highlights Gastons skill to go “back to the source, raid memory and unearth the tenderness of family, the ties of a shared language and intimacy with the land...” (France, 2010). It is my aim to let readers know her poetry which speaks of the local, people and events close to her emotions and “recollected in tranquility” with a deep global reach.






Biographie de l'auteur

  • María Graciela Eliggi, Universidad Nacional de La Pampa

    María Graciela Eliggi is a translator and ELT/Literature & Literary Theory professor and researcher from Argentina. Founder and coordinator of the “Edna O ́Brien-Colum McCann” Free Extracurricular Chair of Irish Studies and the Irish diaspora at the National University of La Pampa (2021- ). She coordinates a research program (UNLPam 2015-2023, 5 projects) on contemporary Irish literature, history and the Irish diaspora to South America. First president and co-founder of AEIS (Asociación de Estudios Irlandeses del Sur), member of ABEI and SILAS. She translated the following works: In their own words/ En sus propias palabras. Interviews with Irish contemporary writers/Entrevistas a escritores irlandeses contemporáneos. ISBN 978-950-863-160-2, 2011. Roger Casement en Sudamérica. El caucho, la Amazonía y el Mundo Atlántico 1884-1916, Angus Mitchell. ISBN 978-950-863-165-7, 2011. Roger Casement en Sudamérica. El caucho, la Amazonía y el Mundo Atlántico 1884-1916, Angus Mitchell. ISBN 978-950-863-177-0, 2012. Argentina e Irlanda- 1816, 1916, 2016- actores, acciones y conmemoraciones, 2018. EPUB. ISBN 978-950-863-340-8. Shaw, Crítico Rosalie Rahal Haddad, 2019. EPUB. ISBN: 978-950-863-371-2. Roger Casement. El Revolucionario Místico. Angus Mitchell, ISBN 9789508634689, 2022. //


ELIGGI, María G. et al. In their own words/ En sus propias palabras. Interviews with Irish contemporary writers/Entrevistas a escritores irlandeses contemporáneos. Santa Rosa, UNLPam, 2011. ISBN 978-950-863-160-2.

FRANCE, Linda. Arc Publications, 2010 in The Lie of the Land. Aille, Inverin, Doire Press, 2015. ISBN 988-1-907682-38-4.

FYFE, Anne-Marie. Seren Books, 2015 in The Lie of the Land. Aille, Inverin, Doire Press, 2015. ISBN 988-1-907682-38-4.

GASTON, Elaine. The Lie of the Land. Aille, Inverin, Doire Press, 2015. ISBN 988-1-907682-38-4

MCGUCKIAN, Medbh. The Gallery Press, 2012 in The Lie of the Land. Aille, Inverin, Doire Press, 2015. ISBN 988-1-907682-38-4.






Especial Irlanda: Os Muitos Mapas da Irlanda

Comment citer

From the Irish glens to the Argentine pampas: the poetry of Elaine Gaston. (2024). Cadernos De Literatura Em Tradução, 27, 23-33.