Ecological Uses of Translation: Two Poems by Paula Meehan Rendered into Galician


  • Manuela Palacios Universidade de Santiago de Compostela


Mots-clés :

Paula Meehan, eco-translation, recycling, Pluriversos, Catholic dogma, Class-consciousness


The present article presents the Galician translation of two poems by the Irish poet Paula Meehan and inscribes this translational practice within current debates on “eco-translation” in an attempt to foster further thought on the rationale of recycling former translations from out-of-print publications and interrogate the demand for endless growth of new translations. A succinct discussion of the content of Paula Meehan’s poems is accompanied by the analysis of their respective translations, in which attention is paid to aspects of lexicon, syntax and sound patterns but, especially, to the relevance of these two Irish poems to the receiving Galician culture in which a conspicuous number of women poets have similarly been scrutinizing and re-writing the patriarchal literary canon.




Biographie de l'auteur

  • Manuela Palacios, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela

    Manuela Palacios is Profesora Titular of English at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain. She has directed five research projects on contemporary Irish and Galician literature that have been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, and has edited and co-edited several books –those with an asterisk are poetry anthologies in translation– in relation to this topic: *Pluriversos (2003), Palabras extremas (2008), Writing Bonds (2009), Creation, Publishing and Criticism (2010), *To the Winds Our Sails (2010), *Forked Tongues (2012), *Six Galician Poets (2016), *Migrant Shores (2017), *Ανθολογία Νέων Γαλικιανών Ποιητών – Antoloxía De Poesía Galega Nova (2019) and, more recently, Us & Them: Women Writers’ Discourses on Foreignness (Frank & Timme 2023). Her other publications include translations of European and Arabic poetry and fiction, monographs on Virginia Woolf’s pictorial imagery and Shakespeare’s Richard III, and articles on ecocriticism.



BOLAND, Rosita. “Ann Lovett: Death of a ‘strong, kick-ass girl’”. In: The Irish Times. 24 March 2018. Accessed on June 11, 2023.

CRONIN, Michael. Eco-Translation. Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene. London: Routledge, 2017.

MEEHAN, Paula. The Man Who Was Marked by Winter. Loughcrew, Oldcastle: The Gallery Press, 1991.

MEEHAN, Paula. Mysteries of the Home. Dublin: Dedalus Press, 2013.

MEEHAN, Paula. Dharmakaya. Manchester: Carcanet 2000.

PALACIOS, Manuela. “A ecopoesía en tradución. Entrevista con Keith Payne”. In: Vice-versa. Revista galega de tradución, No. 22, 2022. pp. 258-265.

PALACIOS GONZÁLEZ, Manuela (ed.). Pluriversos: Seis poetas irlandesas de hoxe. Translations by Manuela Palacios and Arturo Casas. Santiago de Compostela: Follas Novas, 2003.






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Comment citer

Ecological Uses of Translation: Two Poems by Paula Meehan Rendered into Galician. (2024). Cadernos De Literatura Em Tradução, 27, 10-22.