Contemporary art and archiving: reflections on the 3rd Bienal da Bahia




Contemporary art, Archiving, Memory


This article discusses the invisibility of archives in Brazil and the role of artists and curators in researching new use models for the spaces aimed at memory, starting from the contact with art and cooperation projects between different cultural institutions. To address this issue, our focus will be analyzing the project of the 3rd Bienal da Bahia. Specifically, one of its theme structures dedicated to testimonial psychology and developing actions and research related to archiving. There’s also an emphasis on the experience with artists at Estado da Bahia public archives, and the projects developed by artists Eustáquio Neves, Ícaro Lira, Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons and Paulo Nazareth on the collection of the Estácio de Lima Anthropologic and Ethnographic Museum.


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Author Biography

  • Ana Mattos Porto Pato, Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Paulo, São Paulo

    Ana Pato (São Paulo, 1972) é doutoranda da FAU-USP e bolsista da FAPESP. Pesquisadora-associada do Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, foi curadora-chefe da 3º Bienal da Bahia (2014) e diretora de projetos da Associação Cultural Videobrasil (2000-2012). É autora do livro Literatura Expandida: arquivo e citação na obra de Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster (2012).                      





Colections and Archives

How to Cite

Pato, A. M. P. (2015). Contemporary art and archiving: reflections on the 3rd Bienal da Bahia. Revista CPC, 20, 112-136.