Refrains of immigrant chefs: rhythms and marks of and in the kitchen
Territory, Immigration, Chef, RefrainAbstract
The aim of this article is to present how the production of territories takes place in the work of immigrant chefs, based on the identified refrains. The territory is understood as a way of being or acting, of expressing and relating to the world, and processes of appropriation, association and desire confer the existential character on the territory. Refrains are viewed as the rhythmic patterns that make territories visible through repetition and everything that is expressive. The refrain offers subsidies for thinking about repetition as a producer of territories at work. The study is qualitative, and adopted narrative as a method, contemplating the production and analysis of information narrated by the participants. The narrative produced reflects how immigrant chefs arrange and manage teams with cultural codes different from their origins; how they set a cadence for their work teams; how they are marked by accidents in the kitchen and how they invest breaks in the profitability of themselves and their work. These refrains take on an affective, social and professional function and, when theybecome expressive, they give visibility to territories in immigration.
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