The heritage of "Experiência operária, consciência de classe e psicologia do trabalho" and ergonomics




Oddone, Experience, Ergonomics, Work, Worker's model


The publication of the Brazilian edition of the book "Workers' experience, class consciousness and work psychology" by Ivar Oddone, Alessandra Re and Gianni Briante could be the occasion for the appropriation of important contributions from the Workers' Model to Brazilian researchers who are interested in work and development of expanded scientific communities. The reinterpretation of Workers' Experience is done here from the perspective of ergonomics, one of the disciplines that the Workers' Model seeks to appropriate and overcome. It highlights points that can be considered outdated by the current development of the discipline, points that can be the subject of still lively debates and lasting contributions that make it, more than a classic and testimony of an era, a work that is still contemporary, almost half a century after its publication. Issues such as the relationship between work experience and work science and the construction of an expanded multidisciplinary scientific community still find interesting proposals in this work to deal with difficulties and problems that have not yet been overcome.


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Tributo a Ivar Oddone e equipe

How to Cite

The heritage of "Experiência operária, consciência de classe e psicologia do trabalho" and ergonomics. (2024). Cadernos De Psicologia Social Do Trabalho, 27, e-228154.