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Author Guidelines


Papers should be typed in Word for Windows or in any .doc compatible extension or docx; single spaced between lines and paragraphs, double spaced between the parts of the text. 

The font must be Times New Roman, font size 12 for the text. The abstracts, keywords, in Portuguese and English, and highlighted quotes must be typed in size 11.


Paragraphs and margins

Paragraph indent of 1,5 cm, single spaced between lines and paragraphs, double spaced between parts of the text. Direct quotations which are longer than 3 lines, must be highlighted with an indent of 4 cm from the left margin in font size 11 without quotation marks.

The pages must be configured in A4 format, unnumbered, with 3 cm at the top and left margins and 2 cm at the bottom and right margins.



The journal accepts articles resulted from scientific research, preferably related to the dossier of the journal. Depending on the amount of papers received, the editorial board may accept or refuse open themed papers which are not related to the dossier. The reviews must be related to the theme as described in the dossier and must be about a recent publication (maximum of 3 years). Translations, Interviews and Exercises in style must also be connected to the theme of the dossier.

Papers are accepted from independent researchers, from doctorate, master and graduated researchers as well as undergraduated students.



Articles which are configured in the format above must be at least 12-page long or 20-page long at most. The reviews must be 5-page long. For translations the extension is open.

For articles

The paper’s organization must meet the following sequence: 

  1. Title (centralized, in uppercase);
  2. Abstract (with a maximum of 200 words) and key words (up to 6 words), written in the language of the article;
  3. Tittle, abstract and keywords (for English version of the title, abstract and keywords);
  4. Text;
  5. Thanks (optional)
  6. References (only for works mentioned in the text)

We would like to remind that the author’s name should not be included in the text that will be sent to the Journal. Assuming the text is accepted the name is going to be placed after the title. In case one quotes oneself along the text, it is necessary to remain anonymous by replacing the name/surname for “author”, also the work’s title should not be included. In case the paper is approved, the author must include the references in the review phase. 


For reviews:

The organization of the reviews must obey to the following sequence:

  1. title (centered, in uppercase);
  2. author's name (aligned to the right and with a small footnote including the author's presentation: titles, role, institution and email);
  3. text;
  4. thanks (optional);
  5. references (only for papers mentioned in the text)


For translations 

If the text is not in public domain, the translator must provide a rights holder document over the translated work, authorizing the translation and publication in our magazine. It is preferable that the translator send this document together with the submission.


The organization of translations must follow the sequence below:

  1. title (centered, in uppercase);
  2. author's name (aligned to the right and with a small footnote including the author's presentation: titles, role, institution and email);
  3. presentation of the translation (written by the translator stating the reasons and the relevance of the translation, commenting on the translated work and its author);
  4. text;
  5. thanks (optional);
  6. references (only papers mentioned in the text)


 For interviews and exercises in style 

Given that the contributions can be presented under different formats, every indication standard must be discussed with the editors by email. 



Notes must be reduced to a minimum and presented at the bottom of the page, making use of Word’s resources with font size 10, numbered following the order of appearance



Bibliographic references and other must follow ABNT’s standards (NBR6023, August 2000).


Citations within the text

In direct quotes, up to three lines, made within the text, the author must be cited in parentheses using the last name in capitals, separated from the date of publication and page by commas (SILVA, 2000, p. 12).

If the author's name is mentioned in the text, only the date must be in parentheses: "Silva (2000) points out ...". In direct quotations, it is required to specify the page (s) followed by the date, separated by commas and preceded by "p." (SILVA, 2000, p.100). 

Quotes from various works by the same author, published in the same year are differentiated by small letters after the date, without spacing (SILVA, 2000a). 

When the work has two or three authors, they should all be listed, separated by semicolons (SILVA; SOUZA; SANTOS, 2000), when more than 3 authors, the first is indicated and followed by et al. (Silva et al., 2000).

In examples like the previous one Latin expressions (ibid, ibid, passim, among others) are not accepted because they must be used only in citations in footnotes, which are not accepted by the journal Criação & Crítica.

We advise a translation for citations in foreign language;

Highlighted quotes from the text

Direct quotations, with more than three lines must be highlighted with an indent of 4 cm from the left margin, in size 11 and without quotation marks (NBR 10520 of ABNT, August 2002).


Bibliographic references are to be arranged at the end of the text, and must be listed alphabetically by the first author’s last name.


  • books and monographs

AUTHOR, A. Book Title, City: Publisher, year of publication.

  • book chapters

             AUTHOR, A. "Chapter title." In: AUTHOR, A. Book title. City: Publisher, year.

  • theses and dissertations

AUTHOR, A. Title: subtitle. Date (year of deposit). Pages. Degree (dissertation, thesis, dissertation or end of course paper) - Unit where it was defended, place, date (year of defence).

  • articles in periodics

AUTHOR, A. "Article Title." Journal name, City, vol. volume, n. figure, p. X-Y, Year

  • articles in online periodics

AUTHOR, A. Article title: subtitle. Title of publication, place of publication (city), volume, fascicle, first and last pages of the article and abbreviated month of publication. Available at: <electronic address>. Accessed: day month abbreviated year.

  • papers published in annals of congress or similar

AUTHOR, A. Title of work. In: NAME OF EVENT, edition ed., Year. Annals ... City: Institution, p. X-Y.

  • web page

SITE NAME. Available at: <electronic address>. Accessed: day month abbreviated year.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • Texts sent for evaluation must be original and not being evaluated by another journal, otherwise, it shall be justified in "Comments to the editor".

  • Papers should be typed in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF.

  • URL for quotes were informed when possible.
  • The text is typed with single space between lines and paragraphs, double space between parts of the text. The font should be Times New Roman, size 12 for text. The abstracts, keywords, in portuguese and english, and highlighted quotes must be typed in size 11.


Artigos inéditos e originais.

Exercises in style

Nesta seção, propomos aos autores o exercício de transgressão dos limites entre literatura e crítica literária.

Privacy Statement

Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.