Memories from the Margin and Counter-narratives: Patrick Chamoiseau and Conceição Evaristo


  • Pauline Champagnat Université Rennes 2



cultural memory, slavery, orality, Patrick Chamoiseau, Conceição Evaristo


Our article’s purpose is to question, by relying on Zilá Bernd’s theory (2017) on the function of the writer to fill in the memorial gaps, about the following works: Texaco (1992), Un dimanche au cachot (2007), L’esclave vieil homme et le molosse (1997) from Patrick Chamoiseau, and Becos da memória (2017) and Ponciá Vicêncio (2017) from Conceição Evaristo. We will complete our study with the analysis of two essays: Écrire en pays dominé (1997) de Chamoiseau et Le discours antillais (1997), d’Édouard Glissant. Firstly, this will allow us to reflect about the link between writing and resistance. Therefore, the figure of the writer who recovers and protects the silenciated narratives and stands as the voice of those who doesn’t have one. Its purpose seems to be the reconstitution of the diverse stories of the « forgotten » of the official history. We will also make a link between orality and collective memory, with the help of Jan Assman’s work (2002). That is why we will try to understand how it would be possible to draw common lines of research between the Caribbean and Brazil, which take the cultural and geographical differences into account, as well as they intend to bring together reflections about common thematical axes.


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Author Biography

  • Pauline Champagnat, Université Rennes 2

    Docteure en Portugais-littérature à l’Université Rennes 2. Membre associée à l’équipe de recherche ERIMIT (Université Rennes 2, France). Post-doctorante à l’Universidade Federal Fluminense (Brésil). ATER au département de portugais de l’Université Rennes 2 (Rennes). Email:


ASSMANN, Jan. La mémoire culturelle. Paris : Éditions Flammarion, 2002.

BERND. Zilá. « Memória cultural». In: Em torno da Memória: conceitos e relações. Porto Alegre : Editora Letra 1, 2017. DOI 10.21826/9788563800282245.

BUTEL, Paul. Histoire des Antilles françaises. Paris : Éditions Perrin, 2007.

CHAMOISEAU, Patrick. Un dimanche au cachot. Paris: Gallimard, 2007.

CHAMOISEAU, Patrick. Texaco. Paris: Gallimard, 1992.

CHAMOISEAU, Patrick. Écrire en pays dominé. Paris : Gallimard, 1997.

CHAMOISEAU, Patrick. L’esclave vieil homme et le molosse. Paris : Gallimard, 1997.

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EVARISTO, Conceição. L’histoire de Ponciá Vicêncio. Paris : Éditions Anacaona, 2015.

EVARISTO, Conceição. Banzo : mémoires de la favela. Paris : Éditions Anacaona, 2016.

EVARISTO, Conceição. Ponciá Vicêncio. Rio de Janeiro: Pallas, 2017a.

EVARISTO, Conceição. Becos da memória. Rio de Janeiro: Pallas, 2017b.

GLISSANT, Édouard. Le discours antillais. Paris : Gallimard, 1997.

POLLAK, Michael. Une identité blessée. Paris : Éditions Métailié, 1993.

SILVA DE MATOS, Manoela. «A oralidade em Ponciá Vicêncio». Boitatá, Londrina, n. 15, 2013, pp. 106-117.




How to Cite

Champagnat, P. (2022). Memories from the Margin and Counter-narratives: Patrick Chamoiseau and Conceição Evaristo. Revista Criação & Crítica, 32, 111-124.