From Sensibility to Creation : Proust’s Albertine and the Art Learning


  • Betysa Starling Universidade de São Paulo



In search of lost time, Marcel Proust, French Literature, Albertine


The guiding objective of this article is the analysis of the character Albertine based on the hypothesis that she is the most emblematic figure in the novel In search of lost time, above all because she promotes the convergence of the great themes developed by Marcel Proust – love, art, time, memory, sexuality, and the sub-themes that are linked to such themes. By trancending the condition of a simple character, becoming the point at which almost all of Proust´s themes intersect, Albertine proves to be a great mediator of the narrator Marcel's learning, which makes her fundamental to the journey of the proustian hero, helping him to recognize new meanings for his experiences and to resignify his own life, from childhood to regained time. In this sense, we envision, with the study of the character Albertine, understanding the artistic creation that follows the search of lost time and the process of sublimation in Marcel Proust´s novel.


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How to Cite

Starling, B. (2024). From Sensibility to Creation : Proust’s Albertine and the Art Learning. Revista Criação & Crítica, 38, 316-329.