Constructing Authorship from Criticism: a Reading of George Eliot’s Essays


  • Monica Chagas da Costa Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul



Women's Authorship, George Eliot, Silly Novels by Lady Novelists, Leaves from a notebook


This work analyzes the construction of the concept of authorship developed from [Mary Anne Evans] George Eliot's essays. Based on the analysis of the criteria Eliot utilizes to define parameters which beacon authors' practices, it is noticeable how her own work as a literary critic influences her subsequent performance as a novelist. It is also remarkable how her judgment values in face of literature produced by her contemporaries is aligned to her commitment to realist poetics hinged on artistic engagement to a social reality. In this interlacement, the aspects in which gender impacts on her aesthetic reflections are highlighted.



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How to Cite

Costa, M. C. da . (2024). Constructing Authorship from Criticism: a Reading of George Eliot’s Essays. Revista Criação & Crítica, 38, 8-27.