A Critique to the Notion of an Enlightened Aesthetic Education: The Feminist Arguments by Hélène Cixous and Virginia Woolf as Supplement for the Debate on Bildung.


  • Mariana Muniz Pivanti Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro




In this paper, we take the notion of Supplement by philosopher Jacques Derrida to demonstrate how authors Virginia Woolf and Hélène Cixous highlight the absence of feminist arguments and critique on the debate about the Bildung. We shall trace the importance of an aesthetic education in the construction of national identity, as postulated by Friedrich Schiller, to, then, oppose the defence of the rational, educated, patriotic, and modern individual as the ideal model for the construction of an idea of nation through the writings of post-structuralist philosopher Jean-François Lyotard and his concept of metanarratives. Finally, we shall recur to the writings of Virginia Woolf and Hélène Cixous, as we relate them to the ideas of contemporary philosopher Gayatri Spivak, to investigate how both authors utilize fiction as well act as supplement to the critique on the metanarratives by Lyotard as they indicate that the ideal subject of modernity and the Enlightened Bildung presupposes the subjugation of the feminine and is necessarily masculine.


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How to Cite

Pivanti, M. M. (2024). A Critique to the Notion of an Enlightened Aesthetic Education: The Feminist Arguments by Hélène Cixous and Virginia Woolf as Supplement for the Debate on Bildung. Revista Criação & Crítica, 38, 44-59. https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.1984-1124.i38p%p