Subversions in I, Tituba... Black Witch of Salem: Reflections on Maryse Condé's Provocative Critique


  • Beatriz Tereno Correa Genial Universidade de São Paulo



Maryse Condé, criticism, Antillean literature, Tituba, subversion


This article aims to explore the critical concepts emphasized by Maryse Condé in her interviews, in order to identify how these conceptions are manifested in her work I, Tituba: Black Witch of Salem. To achieve this goal, the interviews conducted by Françoise Pfaff with the Guadalupense author will be considered, in order to analyze her critical ponderings and the authorial image she projects of herself. In addition, an overview of the critical thoughts present in three of Condé's main academic publications will be drawn up: her thesis Stéréotype du noir dans la littérature antillaise: Guadeloupe - Martinique (1976); the essay La parole des femmes (1979); and the article "Order, disorder, freedom, and the West Indian Writer" (1993). Through an understanding of the central ideas defended by the Antillean writer and the provocative character she conveys in her authorial figuration, the study will focus on analyzing the novel, with an emphasis on highlighting the subversive nature of the protagonist in the colonial context, in line with Maryse Condé's analytical principles.


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How to Cite

Genial, B. T. C. (2024). Subversions in I, Tituba... Black Witch of Salem: Reflections on Maryse Condé’s Provocative Critique. Revista Criação & Crítica, 38, 261-279.