Dengue, Dengue severo, Choque por dengue, Control de vectores, Educación sanitaria, Reordenamiento ambientalResumo
Dengue is the most important arbovirosis in the World, with a huge burden of disease and social implications. It is transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, particularly Aedes aegypti, that lives in the domestic and peridomestic habitat. The clinical picture includes fever, headache, retroorbital pain, body pains, rash and malaise. Sometimes patients has a sudden worsening with hypovolemic shock and hemorrhages, high an elevated lethality. Not an antiviral drug is available, but death can be prevented by early intravenous infusion of crystalloid solutions. Some vaccine candidates are being now evaluated. Prevention depends on vector control by health education and environmental reordering.Downloads
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Como Citar
Martínez Torres, E. (2008). Dengue . Estudos Avançados, 22(64), 33-52.