O sistema brasileiro de Justiça: experiência recente e futuros desafios
THIS PAPER has three goals. First, it points out the gap between the Brazilian system of Justice and its social and economic enviroment. Second, it puts in debate the well known "judicialization of politics" phenomena, taking into account the increasing political and functional intervention of judges and prosecutors in such a complex and unequal society, like the Brazilian one, and identifying the effects of this performance on the autonomy of the legal system. Third, the paper comments the impact of the economic globalization on the Brazilian legal system and the subsequently rupture of the monopoly of tribunals on resolution of disputes.Downloads
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Judicial Reform
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How to Cite
Faria, J. E. (2004). O sistema brasileiro de Justiça: experiência recente e futuros desafios . Estudos Avançados, 18(51), 103-125. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10002