Brasil, política multilateral e Nações Unidas
UN, Multilateral Policies, Security CouncilAbstract
THIS TEXT IS focused on the Brazilian understanding of the multilateral diplomacy at the United Nations, having in mind recent developments, including the rising of the policies of unilateralism. Attention is given to the central challenges of peace and security, international cooperation for development, and promotion of human rights. The items on Iraq, Sudan and Haiti are examined, as well as those on the Millennium Declaration, Millennium Development Goals and the Monterrey Conference on the Financing for development. Attention is given to the items on International Criminal Court, and humanitarian assistance. Finally, the issue of the Reform of the United Nations in particular the Security Council is evaluated.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sardenberg, R. M. (2005). Brasil, política multilateral e Nações Unidas . Estudos Avançados, 19(53), 347-367.