A intervenção do ambientalismo internacional na Amazônia
Environmentalism, Amazonia, ecologyAbstract
IN 1989-2002, international environmentalism intervened in Amazonia. Supported and followed by the Brazilian government, this intervention ideology and projects reflect not only the economic and political interests of industrialized people but also their difficulty to abandon the predatory developmental principles and interests at home. It ignores that Amazonian is the historical-cultural patrimony of the Amazonian peoples, enhancing the superior status of science and the central position of scientists, large Ongs, international and state bureaucracy in the decision-making process. It, therefore, attributes a secondary rule even to those locals who preserved Amazonian environment.Downloads
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How to Cite
Bentes, R. (2005). A intervenção do ambientalismo internacional na Amazônia . Estudos Avançados, 19(54), 225-240. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10079