Brasil, Argentina e América do Sul
Economic Policy, Foreign Policy, Trade Negotiations, Argentina-Brazil RelationsAbstract
THIS PAPER discusses some aspects of the recent economic evolution of Brazil, Argentina and other South American countries. Dangerous economic and intellectual trends, such as "globalization", the so-called Washington Consensus, dollarization, and FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas) negotiations, have lost momentum and South America is moving gradually towards a more independent stance in the conduct of its economic and foreign policies. Changes have been much more significant in Argentina than in Brazil and this has become a source of some tension between the two major South American countries. Nevertheless, a strategic alliance between Argentina and Brazil remains the corner stone of South American integration.Downloads
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How to Cite
Batista Jr., P. N. (2005). Brasil, Argentina e América do Sul . Estudos Avançados, 19(55), 65-74.