Das montanhas mexicanas ao ciberespaço


  • Pedro Henrique Falco Ortiz USP; Divisão de Mídias Audiovisuais da CCS


Latin America, Chiapas, Zapatistas, Communication


THE PRESENT article is an historical and contextualized communicational analisis on the Zapatista National Liberation Army - EZLN, that came to light the first time on january,1994, in the mexican southern state of Chiapas, with its indigenous origin, ancient struggles of the marginalized population, its own culture and political praxis that made it a very particular social movement in the context of Latin America. The polictical and communication strategies of the EZLN are important changes when we compare it to other guerrilla movements. We also analize the hability and creativity the zapatistas have to obtain media coverage and to create an eficient solidarity and communication net, mixing traditions of the indigenous communities with advanced technological resources of electronic media like the Internet and the Web. This creative combination of succesful polictical actions, social support, permanent dialogue with the civil society - nationwide and worldwide - and important winnings in the communication struggle, make compensation to the militar fragility of the EZLN and make posible its surviving, even on a very military adverse context, as is the conflict in Chiapas.


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Dossiê América Latina

How to Cite

Ortiz, P. H. F. (2005). Das montanhas mexicanas ao ciberespaço . Estudos Avançados, 19(55), 173-186. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10101