A política agrária do Banco Mundial em questão
Land policy, Structural reforms, Land marketsAbstract
The current world bank land policy is discussed under five aspects: the political matrixes that give it support, its intellectual base, the lines of action that it develops, the strategic updates operated through the nineties and, at last, its geographic distribution and financial magnitude. For that, we discuss the structural reforms that subordinate and orient the formulation of programs and specific projects for the agrarian area. Afterwards, the pro-land market approach and the deriving vision of the role of the State are discussed. Finally, we analyze what this land policy consists of, locating in what regions of the world the Bank concentrates its action.Downloads
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How to Cite
Pereira, J. M. M. (2006). A política agrária do Banco Mundial em questão . Estudos Avançados, 20(57), 355-383. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10165