Natural gas: the construction of a new civilization
Energy mix, Natural gas, Combustible gases, Gas CivilizationAbstract
This work discusses the role of natural gas in Brazil and in the world, suggesting that the humanity is building up a kind of Gas Civilization. The text starts with a brief panorama of the international energy reality comparing several scenarios proposed by recognized institutions, and which try to describe possibilities for the future of energy in the planet. Such comparative analysis allows identifying the growing consumption of natural gas as a strong energy trend for the next 20 to 50 years. Then, the concept of Gas Civilization is introduced, presenting some elements justifying it. Following, the article offers a Brazilian perspective of the problem, starting from the historical antecedents of the gas industry in Brazil, and developing a critical vision regarding the future role of the combustible gases in the Brazilian energy mix.Downloads
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Energy Dossier
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How to Cite
Santos, E. M. dos, Fagá, M. T. W., Barufi, C. B., & Poulallion, P. L. (2007). Natural gas: the construction of a new civilization . Estudos Avançados, 21(59), 67-90.