Origins of life
Life, Origin of life, EvolutionAbstract
We present a historical perspective about the ideas concerning the origin of life. After displaying the main topics necessary for understanding lifes origin, the main characteristics of the present life forms and their relationships are shown, suggesting a common ancestor. The conditions for prebiotic chemistry in terrestrial or interplanetary environments are reviewed. We put in context the arguments about the early origin of replicators versus metabolism. The very narrow window for life settlement in the early Earth is stressed, pointing to the likelihood of life arising in other places in the Universe. Finally, we present the cornerstones of current search for life outside our planet.Downloads
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Origins II
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How to Cite
Damineli, A., & Damineli, D. S. C. (2007). Origins of life . Estudos Avançados, 21(59), 263-284.