"Os quatro cavaleiros de um íntimo apocalipse" e suas biografias vicárias: Fernando Sabino, Otto Lara Resende, Hélio Pellegrino e Paulo Mendes Campos na escrita de perfis


  • Gabriela Kvacek Betella USP; FFLCH; Teoria Literária e Literatura Comparada; Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros


Fernando Sabino, Otto Lara Resende, Hélio Pellegrino, Paulo Mendes Campos, Brazilian chronicle


Fernando Sabino, Otto Lara Resende, Hélio Pellegrino and Paulo Mendes Campos wrote portraits of people with whom they were intimate along their lives by means of short profiles, either in the form of elegies or even of necrologies. Although these texts are necessary in order to set up the style of each one of these writers from Minas Gerais, they also carry the synthesis of each personal experience, which is fundamental for the analysis of the chronicle, a literary genre that the quartet of writers practiced and within which the profiles examined in this essay can be classified.


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How to Cite

Betella, G. K. (2007). "Os quatro cavaleiros de um íntimo apocalipse" e suas biografias vicárias: Fernando Sabino, Otto Lara Resende, Hélio Pellegrino e Paulo Mendes Campos na escrita de perfis . Estudos Avançados, 21(60), 247-270. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10252