Unfinished democratization: the failure of public safety


  • Alba Zaluar Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro; Instituto de Medicina Social; Centro Biomédico


Urban violence, Drug trade, Vulnerability, Youth, Masculinity


The article discusses two paradoxes and one enigma that have developed in this country during the last decades: a process of democratisation that started in 1978 coming forward with increasing criminality rates, especially homicide; a nation constituted on the idea of cordiality and conciliation that changed recently its dominant ideas and developed vengeance mechanisms and uncontrollable aggressive behaviour for there was never a public discussion of pacification and forgiveness; the enigma of a fierce violence among men, mainly young men has affected women comparatively much less. This suggests a model of violence dissimilar to the model present in ethnic conflicts where everybody is victim. To understand them, I have used four dimensions: the international context related to drug and gun trafficking, the institutional inertia that explains the malfunctioning of the justice system; the importance and limits of macro social explanations for violent criminality, such as poverty and social exclusion; the necessary look at micro social processes concerning subjective formations on masculinity linked to exhibition of force, money and guns.


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Organized Crime Dossier

How to Cite

Zaluar, A. (2007). Unfinished democratization: the failure of public safety . Estudos Avançados, 21(61), 31-49. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10265