A new paradigm for water resource management


  • Ivanildo Hespanhol Universidade de São Paulo; Escola Politécnica


Water resources management, Water conservation, Water reuse


Watershed transposition is a 2000 years policy developed by the Romans to satisfy their continuous growing water demand, leading to the build up of an extensive network of aqueducts. This is the so called "old paradigm" still prevailing nowadays, for the relief of local water supply constraints on detriment of other regions. The systematic transfer of expressive amount of water from foreign sources, generating extra volumes of wastewater can no longer be accepted, both under economical as well as under environmental aspects. A "new paradigm", based on the concepts of Water Conservation and Reuse must evolve, to minimize costs and the environmental impacts associated with watershed transposition. The technology, as well as the basic environmental, public health and operational criteria now available, allow for a full harnessing of local water resources, through water reuse and adequate demand management.


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How to Cite

Hespanhol, I. (2008). A new paradigm for water resource management . Estudos Avançados, 22(63), 131-158. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10297