"Dãolalalão" de Guimarães Rosa ou o "Cântico dos cânticos" do sertão: um sino e seu badaladal


  • Adélia Bezerra de Meneses


"Dãolalalão", Guimarães Rosa, "Songs of songs", Prostitution, Slave society


The novel "Dãolalalão", from the book Nights in the backlands of Guimarães Rosa shows the presence of what Northrop Frye has called the "Great Code" of the western civilization literature, the Bible, crosscultured in the Brazilian backlands and the contradictions produced by such situation. It is shown, under the key of singularization, the relationship between an ex-jagunço and an ex-prostitute, referred to the archetypical love of Salomon and the Sulamite, the "Beloved" of the biblical "Song of songs", criptographed along the novel. However, it must be noted that in "Dãolalalão" there also occur paraphrases from the "Apocalypse" and several references to Aphrodite Pandêmos, the goddess of love in the Greek pantheon, as well as many veiled ecos of the sacred prostitution, offering an approach to a much cherished topos in the Rosean fiction, that of the prostitute's love. Concentrated in this biblical-Greek axis, which stands as roots of the western civilization, the elements of a "mimetized" literature, marked by the spring of the Brazilian social organization: its slavish background.


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Vieira, Machado, Guimarães Rosa

How to Cite

Meneses, A. B. de. (2008). "Dãolalalão" de Guimarães Rosa ou o "Cântico dos cânticos" do sertão: um sino e seu badaladal . Estudos Avançados, 22(64), 255-272. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10359