Os riscos de extinção de sapos, rãs e pererecas em decorrência das alterações ambientais


  • Vanessa K. Verdade
  • Marianna Dixo
  • Felipe F. Curcio


Anurans, Conservation, Amphibian declines


Approximately 30% of the species of frogs and toads are threatened with extinction, and indeed 35 of these species are already extinct. As they present thin and permeable skin and, in most cases, live their larval phase in an aquatic environment, these animals are very sensitive to alterations both of the aquatic environment and of the soil and air. The greatest generating factors of such crisis are the life style of our current society - which produces high pollution levels - global warming, invasions of exotic species, the increase in the incidence of ultraviolet radiation, and the emergence of epidemics. If awareness about human responsibility for this crisis is not raised and no changes in human life style take place, this threat will reach all species, especially humans.


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Gestão e estudos ambientais

How to Cite

Verdade, V. K., Dixo, M., & Curcio, F. F. (2010). Os riscos de extinção de sapos, rãs e pererecas em decorrência das alterações ambientais . Estudos Avançados, 24(68), 161-172. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10473