Crise de abastecimento de água em São Paulo e falta de planejamento estratégico
Though the crisis in the water supplying system in the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (RMSP) was more intensively felt in the 2013-2014 summer, it reveals a chronic problem that has been affecting the whole RMSP for the past ten years. This problem is originated from the lack of a strategic planning that takes into consideration climate issues that could, months before, foresee problems to restore the levels of water resources, allowing measures to be implemented within a reasonable anticipation, therefore reducing the impacts on the population. This study shows how it is possible to use climate information in the strategic management of the water supply in the RMSP.Downloads
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How to Cite
Côrtes, P. L., Torrente, M., Pinto Alves Pinto, A., Ruiz, M. S., Dias, A. J. G., & Rodrigues, R. (2015). Crise de abastecimento de água em São Paulo e falta de planejamento estratégico . Estudos Avançados, 29(84), 7-26.