A conservação da biodiversidade entre os saberes da tradição e a ciência
This article analyses how environmental protection can serve values like human well being and socio-environmental justice, taking into account the hegemony of the assumptions linked to the romantic preservation of untouched nature or to the conservation of biodiversity to respond to the current model of production. To that end, we will analyze first the ideas that inspire environmental protection in Brazil and the predominance of a vision that considers the traditional populations as an obstacle to the protection of biodiversity; then, we analyze the contradictions that the concept of "sustainable development" evokes when it expresses affinity with the extensive economical development marked by the technoscientific advance; and, finally, from the theoretical contributions of the interaction model between science and values (M-CV) we make consider the hypothesis of possible cooperation between traditional knowledge and science to communicate how conservation of biodiversity can be inspired by values beyond the market.Downloads
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Ciência, valores e alternativas II
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How to Cite
Silva, A. T. R. da. (2015). A conservação da biodiversidade entre os saberes da tradição e a ciência . Estudos Avançados, 29(83), 233-259. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/105068