Portugal in Unamuno's view of Iberia as a dialectic unity
Unamuno, Iberia, Portugal, Spain, Dialectic, Flesh, Bones, HegelAbstract
While the topic of Spanish intellectual Miguel de Unamuno's relationship with Portugal has received a good deal of scholarly attention, this has focused on affirming Unamuno's longstanding interest in Portuguese literature and history, and on confirming the existence of relationships of influence between Unamuno and prominent Portuguese writers. This paper, instead, will consider how Unamuno fits Portugal into his broader vision of Iberia as a dialectical unity, and will demonstrate how Unamuno's use of a corporeal vocabulary, of carne y hueso, contributes to the fleshing out of his vision of a dialectical Iberia, in which Portugal plays an integral role.Downloads
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How to Cite
Newcomb, R. P. (2010). Portugal in Unamuno’s view of Iberia as a dialectic unity . Estudos Avançados, 24(69), 61-78. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10512