São Paulo: Urban segregation and inequality
Urban space, Urban segregation, Social inequality, Brazilian metropolitam areas, Social dominationAbstract
The paper starts with the idea that urban space is not a product of nature but of men´s labour. It proceeds presenting a new way of focusing and analyzing urban segregation, using the city of São Paulo as a case study. Through several social indicators, presented in 8 illustrations, it shows urban segregation in São Paulo. It shows however that this new way also applies to any Brazilian metropolitan area. Important aspects shown by this new way are: on the one hand, the possibility it offers of analyzing the relationship between urban segregation of residences, working places and the overall urban spatial structure; on the other hand, the possibility of analyzing the relationship between urban segregation and the social inequality which prevails in Brazilian society as well as with social domination. It finally shows the relationship between human production of urban space and human production of time and the importance of the former.Downloads
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Dossiê São Paulo, Hoje
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How to Cite
Villaça, F. (2011). São Paulo: Urban segregation and inequality. Estudos Avançados, 25(71), 37-58. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10597