A free-space system for São Paulo


  • Maria Angela Faggin Pereira Leite


Free spaces, Systems, Public scope, Periodization


The system of urban free spaces constitutes a complex in interrelation with other systems - of drainage, transports, protection - whose functions may coincide with it or only juxtapose it, establishing relations of connectivity and complementarity with the environmental preservation, conservation and requalification, the urban circulation and drainage, the leisure activities, the imaginariness, the memory and the public social contact. In São Paulo this system may be only precariously appointed, since the group of the city free spaces, disconnected from its constructed surroundings, does not conform an articulated web of elements with locations, performance and several dimensions, such as the word system and its component elements suggest. Without the basic conditions to shelter the requirements of the contemporary public scope, it cannot be appointed as public space associated with the idea of location, access and distribution, leisure and conservation of natural resources - fundamental condition of the public freedom performance required by the city cultural entreaty.


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Dossiê São Paulo, Hoje

How to Cite

Leite, M. A. F. P. (2011). A free-space system for São Paulo. Estudos Avançados, 25(71), 159-174. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10604