Inequalities and limits should be at the core of Rio+20
Inequalities, Ecossystem, Material intensity, Energy intensity, Climate change, BiodiversityAbstract
Many studies published last year (including some organized by the United Nations) show that the world economic system has dangerously passed over the ecossytemic frontiers, mainly in climate, biodiversity and nitrogen cycle concerns. Far from using these data and conclusions, the Rio+20 zero-draft envisions a business as usual solution to the socioenvironmental contemporary problems: strengthen poverty fighting and deepen international cooperation toward eco-efficiency. This paper recognizes the huge conquest made in these two domains over the last twenty years. But there are no material conditions for success reducing poverty if the illusion that inequality can be fought without altering the power over natural resources that have those who occupy the upper positions of the social pyramid remains.Downloads
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How to Cite
Abramovay, R. (2012). Inequalities and limits should be at the core of Rio+20. Estudos Avançados, 26(74), 21-34.