The Amazon is suitable for forestry, and the creation of new States can lead to increased deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
Amazonian, Deforestation, Protected areasAbstract
The state of Pará has a rich diversity of ecosystems. However, it is one of the states that the most contribute with the deforestation of Amazonian. Actually, 22% of the state was deforested. Currently, a new policy of occupation is being studied for the Amazonian, based on the creation of new states. The creation of new states can increase deforestation in the Amazonian, especially in regions where the agricultural frontier and minerals activities are intense such as the state of Para. This study compares the changes of the representativeness of protected areas and deforestation, considering the proposed of division of the Para in three new states. The creation of new states can lead to a reduction or elimination of the protected areas resulting in the increase of the deforestation. Another serious consequence of the creation of new states will be the extinction of the Ecological-Economic Zoning of Para, an important instrument of public policy. The creation of new states must be preceded by studies involving the evaluation of the environmental, social and economic variables. One of the most serious consequences if it is not taken into consideration is the creation of a legal vacuum that will be used to increase the pressure on natural resources of the Amazon.Downloads
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How to Cite
Ferreira, L. V., Pereira, J. L. G., Cunha, D. A., Matos, D. C. L., & Sanjuan, P. M. (2012). The Amazon is suitable for forestry, and the creation of new States can lead to increased deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon. Estudos Avançados, 26(74), 187-200.