The energy sector in Brazil: Policy and Perspectives
Energy planning in Brazil, Long-term investments in the energy sector, The electrical system, Petroleum, Natural gas and biofuelsAbstract
The article presents a panorama of Brazilian energy sector, through up-to-date statistics regarding evolution of internal supply of energy and its evolution until the year of 2020. In particular, is addressed the electrical system, being shown the current situation and development of installed capacity. As regards fuel sector are addressed the issues of petroleum, natural gas and biofuels. The article makes it clear that it would not have been possible to maintain the high Brazilian economic growth that has occurred over the past eight years, without a growing supply of energy. For this reason, many and diverse long-term investments were made, such as the construction of hydroelectric and thermal power plants, wind parks; pipelines; energy conservation measures and the expansion of electrical transmission systems, among other ventures.Downloads
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How to Cite
Tolmasquim, M. T. (2012). The energy sector in Brazil: Policy and Perspectives. Estudos Avançados, 26(74), 247-260.