River diversion and hydropower plants: The unknown Ribeira Valley (states of Paraná and São Paulo)
Ribeira do Iguape, Hydro-power plant, Riverflow derivation, Environmental impacts, Reservoir-induced seismicityAbstract
The image of the Ribeira do Iguape basin is usually linked to environment protection, to the natural caverns and to the traditional people communities ("quilombolas", from the ancient slaves, the native Indians, the fishermen). We draw here another diagnosis, lightening up important geo-economic issues, as the mining fields, the plantations and the hydraulic works. The main river has not yet been dammed for hydro - power plants, located in its tributaries, featuring an amount of 540 Megawatt capacity. The more impressive one, named Capivari - Cachoeira system, built forty years ago, is based on a flow derivation from the high Ribeira basin to the coastline of the Paraná state. Its consequences are negative down stream until the rivers Pardo and Ribeira, in the Sao Paulo State; and in the other side, it also affects far away the Antonina Bay. As these damages were not recognized during the licensing process of this power plant. We launch an alert about the environment degradation of this region, in the case if some other hydroelectric projects would achieve in the future.Downloads
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How to Cite
Sevá Filho, A. O., & Kalinowski, L. M. (2012). River diversion and hydropower plants: The unknown Ribeira Valley (states of Paraná and São Paulo). Estudos Avançados, 26(74), 269-286. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/10638