Perspectivas para o mercado de trabalho após o crescimento com inclusão social
The current economic picture is one of declining GDP, annual inflation of 10% and threats to the employment level and to the purchasing power of labor income. When monitoring the evolution of employment levels and labor income, it is important to take into account what happened in 2003-2013 in order to assess the particularities of an eventual reversal of the labor market's recent achievements in social inclusion. In this context, the article outlines the changes that have occurred in Brazil's labor market, using data from the National Survey by Household Sampling (PNAD) for 2004 and 2013. The analysis starts out by examining the country's economic performance and the situation of the economically active population. It then highlights the main changes in the job structure and in income, with emphasis on formal employment.Downloads
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How to Cite
BALTAR, P., & LEONE, E. (2015). Perspectivas para o mercado de trabalho após o crescimento com inclusão social . Estudos Avançados, 29(85), 53-67.