Trabalho, proteção social e desenvolvimento
Among other things, the first decade of the new millennium, and particularly the period 2003-2013, achieved an educational purpose in Brazil's academic and politic debate. After almost 25 years of liberal ideological dominance and attempts to implement deregulation, privatization and internationalization policies and solutions (with negligible or adverse results on the classic indicators of macroeconomic performance and on the domestic labor market), there has recently been empirical and theoretical opposition to the alleged supremacy of those formulations. To capture this transition, the article compares the performance of liberal development (in the 1990s) with the "developmentalism" of the early 2000s, as well as their impacts on the realm of labor and on social welfare policies in each period. The differences between them are one of the most significant features of the historical transition between the partially-implemented liberal model of the 1990s and the country's current phase of new - but still uncertain - possibilities of development.Downloads
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How to Cite
CARDOSO JR, J. C. (2015). Trabalho, proteção social e desenvolvimento . Estudos Avançados, 29(85), 87-103.