A cidade invisível, de Calvino: os modos de organizar e visibilizar o vivível


  • LUIZ ROBERTO ALVES Universidade Metodista de São Paulo; Faculdade de Administração e Economia


This article on the work of Italo Calvino (1923-1985), Invisible Cities, accepts the premise that a creative combinatorial game emphasizes the distinctions and differences of what is liveable. The faces of the narration suggest the difficult, but not impossible struggle of living in society. Thus, the text supports dialogic attitudes in the reading of words and the world, and contends for spaces amidst the denominations of postmodern magical realism. In these spaces, the text does not present itself as a model, but as an insightful investigation of the facets of a social polyhedron. The dialogic game set up by Calvino obstains its emphasis from the semiotic organization. This article attempts an intertextual analysis (within the signs-cities), displays strong interest in the author's method of work, and favors the use of the original Italian text of 1972.


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How to Cite

ALVES, L. R. (2015). A cidade invisível, de Calvino: os modos de organizar e visibilizar o vivível . Estudos Avançados, 29(85), 327-340. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/108940