Políticas de inovação em nova chave


  • GLAUCO ARBIX Universidade de São Paulo; Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas; Departamento de Sociologia
  • ZIL MIRANDA Confederação Nacional da Indústria


Innovation, Productivity and R&D, Technology, Digital economy, Innovation strategy


The current Brazilian crisis undermines the country’s economic recovery and its efforts to increase competitiveness. When confronted with technologies that are bringing about deep changes in the economy and in the organization of societies, the Brazilian situation seems to be even more disadvantageous. Brazil must urgently reduce the gap between its own technological capabilities and that of advanced countries. This article draws upon international experience and argues that, precisely in moments of crisis, countries and companies need to increase investment in innovation. Moreover, it suggests that the State must articulate with the private sector to form a coalition between enterprises, universities and government to face the technological challenges that are shaking economies around the world. These new trends, still inaccessible to most emerging countries, point to the formation of a new economy, based on three main pillars: digitization, integration and automation. Brazil must urgently define long-term strategies that push the country forward to regain international prominence and stand out for its intelligence and high quality science, technology and innovation.


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How to Cite

ARBIX, G., & MIRANDA, Z. (2017). Políticas de inovação em nova chave. Estudos Avançados, 31(90), 49-73. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/137884