Mário de Andrade, reader of Goethe, and the forms of love in Amar, verbo intransitivo
Love, Mário de Andrade, Marginalia, GoetheAbstract
In the text "Um idílio no modernismo brasileiro", Telê Ancona Lopez draws attention to the importance of producing studies about Amar, verbo intransitivo, pointing out, among the subjects to be contemplated, the analysis of some of Goethe’s pages as a source for the work’s creation. I carried out this research counting on a copy of Goethes Lyrische und Epische Dichtungen (Band II). Crossherzog Wilhelm Ernst Ausgabe. Leipzig: Inselverlag, 1820, preserved in the library of Mário de Andrade, at IEB-USP. In this edition, we can find the idyll Hermann und Dorothea (1797) (p.477-552), a text enriched, as much as others, with notes by the writer-reader. By approaching Goethe to the modern idyll of Mário de Andrade, in an analytical study attentive to the marginalia, I perceive how the concept of love is constructed in Mário de Andrade’s writings.Downloads
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How to Cite
Souza, C. R. de. (2018). Mário de Andrade, reader of Goethe, and the forms of love in Amar, verbo intransitivo. Estudos Avançados, 32(92), 209-228. https://periodicos.usp.br/eav/article/view/146446