Um encontro entre Celso Furtado e Fernand Braudel
Fernand Braudel, Center–periphery, International trade, Celso Furtado, World economy, ECLACAbstract
In 1978, economist Celso Furtado participated in an international colloquium on economic history in the Italian city of Prato. Organized by French historian Fernand Braudel on the theme “Development and underdevelopment in Europe and beyond from the 13th century to the Industrial Revolution,” the meeting brought together historians from twenty countries. At the closing roundtable, Celso Furtado, then a professor of economics at the University of Paris, and Fernand Braudel discussed issues related to development and underdevelopment, to the theories of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) concerning the concepts of center and periphery, and the economist’s view of the observations of historians.
D’AGUIAR, R. F. de. (Org.) Diários intermitentes de Celso Furtado. 1937-2002. Apresentação e notas de Rosa Freire d’Aguiar. Prefácio de João Antonio de Paula. São Paulo: Cia. das Letras, 2019.
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